1. Only meet your date when you are 100% ready. You got to feel happy first. Make sure your 'gut' agrees with you head.
2. Keep it public. First date should be in a public place like a coffee shop or restaurant.
3. Meet at the date location – meaning DO NOT meet at your date’s place of residence or yours. If the date goes really well you'll then have prosperity of opportunity in the future to go there but not now.
4. Keep the date to a perimeter. Say 1 hour. That gives you both plenty of time to get an idea if a connection exists plus it keeps the pressure off if one person can't wait for the date to be over. Remember – if it goes well then the next date can always be longer.
5. Make a friend aware. Let a friend know that you are going on a date with a new person and let that friend know where you are going to be. Agree to call your friend after the date to let him/her know everything is ok.