By the way, in order to have success with men, you need to know what men really find attractive in a woman. Below are the hints that usually men look out for in girls that can make him feel attracted:
1. Having a optimistic attitude
There are quite a number of girls who are worried to approach the guys they love. They are not too sure about their looks and are afraid to get rejected by the guy. Not all fingers of the hand are same. While it is a fact that some girls are prettier than others, this is not the only thing that a guy looks for in a girl.
2. being intelligent
Are you smart & intelligent? If yes, then you have won half the battle. Men like girls who are intelligent and smart too. Some girls try to make up for their lack of intelligence by trying to dress themselves in provocative and revealing dresses.
3. Personal Cleanliness
Look after your personal hygiene: Guys hate girls who have a foul smelling mouth. Nobody likes to kiss an ashtray. Rather take some mint mouth fresheners if you are planning to kiss him. A well maintained body with a glowing skin goes a long way in making a girl attractive to boys